Young Professionals

Posted on October 28, 2018 By

They are necessarily loyal, not only to their employees, but also to their sites.” Also, the family-owned company points according to the Economic Journal-author by relatively short decision paths and permeable structures. This makes agile in the competition and open to innovation.” This flexibility may be it, making the owner-managed companies according to industry experts,…

Spanish Supplies

Posted on October 15, 2018 By

The percentage of supplies of use in Spain that they require to count on another language that is not the Spanish, has been increased in more than seven percentage points, until reaching 33.76% of the total. This is one of the main conclusions of an analysis realised by Adecco and Infoempleo, from 205,540 supplies of…

South America

Posted on October 14, 2018 By

In his a Geocultura of the American Man, "published in 1976, Kusch said: a en Bolivia and Paraguay, is the heart of Americaa . That year culminated Larraya Pages fieldwork, which would lead to their monumental work a o The o irrational in culture to , published in 1982. The reality is that between the…