Aesthetic Odontolgica

Posted on September 8, 2016 By

Microinfiltration existing delinquent between casting metallic restorations and direct aesthetic restorations as well as its interrelation with the diverse types of face-hardenings agents (SCHULZ and cols., 2008). d) Resin indication of low viscosity (‘ ‘ flow’ ‘), to restore a socket proximal, with the objective to use to advantage the resilience of this material in the support of the Christian delinquents (BISSOLI and cols., 2008). e) Determination of the ssea quality (density) for daily pay-prosthetic, implantodontia and prteses procedures surgical with load (BLOCK and CHANDLER, 2009). A reflection is cabvel in this text on the correct request of radiogrficos examinations for the necessary diagnosis in aesthetic odontologia. In the area of the Aesthetic Odontolgica, the intrabucais x-rays offer to greater aid, therefore they make possible a bigger radiogrfico detail when compared with the extrabuccal ones.

In the interproximal x-ray (carried through with periapical film) we will study the proximais posterior tooth faces, to detect proximais carieses and adaptation delinquent of restoring materials. We must carry through it with aid of a posicionador. However, a x-ray carried through for the technique of parallelism can substitute, how much to the radiogrfico detail, a interproximal x-ray (COAST, COAST and VAROLI, 2008). The periapicais x-rays for the technique of parallelism present greaters comparative advantages when with the gotten ones for the technique of the bissetriz, therefore when of the filling of the images, of the form established in the memorandum of understanding or digitalizada, the possibility of more necessary comparisons between the recent x-ray and that one filed always exists, thinking itself in the direction to observe areas of bigger or lesser radiopacidade. For example, to determine the formation of reacional dentine after some months of the application of a forrador in deep sockets (RASIMIKI and cols., 2007). The oclusais x-rays can be changedded into excellent tools when of its use for determination of distortions of the bending of the maxilo-mandibular arcs, being interesting an assistant next to the models of study in the planning of extensive fixed prteses, beyond increasing the previsibility deriscos in the daily pay-prosthetic surgeries (COAST, COAST and VAROLI, 2008).
