Botanical Gardens

Posted on May 29, 2016 By

In the inner galleries there are reproductions of architectonic examples that detail the complexity of the construction. A exhibition with newspapers, impressions, watercolors, photos and written testifies the influence of the Alhambra in artists of centuries XVI to the XX. The gardens of the Alhambra of Granada they were created to represent the Earth paradise, for that reason they persecute the pleasure of the senses. For the sense of smell, the aromatic plants and the flowers; the color, the light and the shade are a gift for the view; for the tact, the textures of the most select materials; for the taste, the flavor of the fruit that grows in the trees. The complicated hydraulic system makes the most delicate sources possible, than they miman the ear.

In the construction and later extensions always it was sought to adorn with care until the last space. The ceramic walls are crowded of yeseras and with vegetal reasons and calligraphic. The covers are protected by wrought wood and many of the inner arcs are false and its unique aim is solaz of contemplates that them. The Botanical Garden of New York pays tribute to the exuberance and sophistication of one of the most important constructions of history with a sample of plants, decorative elements, manuscripts, paintings, photos, objects and poetry related to the granadino palace-strength. Spanish Paradise: Gardens of the Alhambra (Spanish Paradise: gardens of the Alhambra) are the botanical part of this celebration, that evokes the aesthetic one, the colors and the aromas that this andalus Arcadia concentrates. Rosemary, coves, lemon trees and palms date palms the interpretation of the mythical gardens of the walled city occupy about 1,400 squared meters of the surface of the enclosure. Architectonic plants, sources and elements are combined to give an idea of how the monument continues being an example of harmony between the nature and the design.
