Cold War

Posted on November 8, 2016 By

It had still the establishment of umabase to militate in Guantanamo, that still persists today. Beyond these institucional measures the neighbors norteesforaram of it for establishing, also, a control politician for saw of the governing escolhados ones. It must be detached that this option was integrant part of aesnorte-Americans to assure the relevancy of the Plat Emendation, has seen queentre the establishment of the constitution, in 1902, and the government of the RamnGrau civilian, in 1944, five American military interventions north, challenging and highly mitigantes had been necessary of the Cuban population, as well as of soberaniadaquela nation. Cuba lived Fulgencio Baptist that it would come ‘ ‘ to choose-se’ ‘ in a processofraudulento in 1940, thus governing up to 1944 and retaking the power in 1952 pormeio of a blow. This last period of Fulgencio would be one of more violentosda Cuban history, combining this the low levels of development and the umaconcentrao of increasing income, much influenced by the constants prticasde corruption that had taken palco. III.

4 the Refusal Of the North In Accepting the NovoSistema Cuban. When finally the dictatorship of Fulgencio was locked up pelarevoluo led for Fidel Castro, with the decisive participation of CheGuevara, Cienfuegos and Raul I castrate, Cuba started to be white of the hatred and the iraestadunidense. Washington opposed to lose it the control of the island that for tantolhe served, still more in the context of Cold War that if lived, therefore the ideaislibertrios that had guided> resolution had led to the instauration of a regimesocialista. Valley to remember that this scene already was foreseen porguerrilheiros and too much actors of the Cuban emancipador process as Jose Mart, who said; ' ' It worried me about tenacity in the nosignificado preparation and that would have, for ' ' our Amrica' ' , the American ConferenciInternacional, in Washington (1889-1890) ' ' As more concrete action of this period we could cite known oevento as ' ' it has attacked the Bahia of the Porcos' ' (1961), in which CIA (agency of North American intelligence) planned to attack Cuba for half Cuban dostraidores, then exiled in U.S.A.
