FederalRural University

Posted on January 12, 2018 By

The MAN AND the Moacir Environment de a Cruz Rock * the preservation and maintenance of the natural conditions of meioambiente if establish as essential category for the quality of vidadas coming generations, as well as for the proper stability in this planet. Adestruio of the environment, through the constant impacts, can tornarinexeqvel the preservation of the life of the human beings. Being thus, constitucional that all the activities played through the action humanasejam carried through of form that they can ambiently be sustainable. Contemporarily the ambient question, beyond being dointeresse of the scientists and of the ecologists, also it is of interest of sociedadecomo one all. It is if becoming obligator subject in the classrooms, nasdiscusses regional, national and international politics, in dosexecutivos agendas and this happens due to a relationship between the environment and economic odesenvolvimento, that the critical point for the businesses modified. Being thus, the Ministry Public in set with aprofissionalizao of the ONG' s (Not-Governmental Organizations) counting on clarified umasociedade more, has dealt with the question the preservation of meioambiente with a singularity each more excellent time, as much in administraese private organizations as in the public administrations.

However, the education and aconscientizao of the individuals for the necessity of practical that not acarretemdanos to the environment, still leave very to desire, needing more aespara if to materialize. In other words, in accordance with the information disponibilizadaspelo Health department (BRAZIL, 2002), has full conscience of the danosdecorrentes of me the disposal of residues produced for the man. * Engineer Agronomist formed for the FederalRural University of the Amaznia, administrator formed for the University of the Amaznia, Specialist in Management of the Information in Agronegcio (UFJF), Mestrando emEconomia (UNAMA). Email: moacir.rocha@ conab.gov.br This of of, because the majority of the people does not see comoparticipante of the process of interference in the nature. They are imported with meioambiente only in theoretical way when hearing to speak of one or another espcieameaada, or a modified ecosystem. .
