Film Family Name
Ashoke is student of the city of Calcut. During a train trip, it reads a book that earns of its grandfather, Cloak, of Nikolai Gogol, when it is interrupted by one gentleman whom it desires to talk. Mr. it question if it already left to see the world and it says that the books are enough to it for this, but the man if does not convince and tries coagiz to travel it for other countries with the promise of that it will not repent itself, but what it desires at that moment he is to come back toward its reading. However, an accident occurs and it only is rescued because, in way to the chaos, the men who made searches enxergaram the pages of the book if putting into motion in its hands. After this, Ashoke decides to change itself for U.S.A. Ashoke is taken by the family to the house of a young woman, Ashima, with who intends to arrange marriage to it.
Families talk while it arranges itself and when it decides to enter in cmodo where if they find, if comes across with the shoes of the possible fianc the door, in which if she reads ' ' manufactured in the EUA' '. It decides, then, to prove the shoes and floor a little with they and like very. She enters finally in the room and she knows the youngster, accepting to be married it and to go for America, where it already has lived per two years. The adaptation in America is difficult for Ashima, however it remains there with its husband and it goes if accustoming to the few. She passes for a period of crisis when she has its first son, therefore she does not want to create it in a strange country, far from the family. Ashima of to the light a boy and waits for the arrival of a letter of its grandmother with the name that it would like that the child had.