Jesus Christ

Posted on February 6, 2019 By

' ' Jesus answered, and said to it: In the truth, in the truth I say that one to you that not to be born of new, cannot see the kingdom of Deus.' ' Joo 3:3 ' ' Jesus it answered: In the truth, in the truth I say that one to you that not to be born of the water and the Spirit, cannot enter in the kingdom of Deus.' ' Joo 3:5 That one that not to be born of new through the baptism in waters, cannot see the Kingdom of God. That one that not to be born of the water and the Spirit, will not be able to enter in the Kingdom of God. To carry through bad workmanships is for that they love the darknesses, they make badly and they annoy the God, is the convict, therefore they do not believe in Jesus. To carry through good workmanships is for that they love the light, they are not the convict, they believe in Jesus, they make the good, they annoy the darknesses and comes to the light. ' ' Because all that one that makes the evil hates the light, and it does not come to the light, so that its workmanships are not reprovadas.' ' Joo 3:20 All the ones that make the evil: – they hate the light and therefore they move away themselves from it – it hates the light therefore shows the dirty things that are making and these things are disapproved. She loves the light of God so that everything what to make receives illumination either approved perpetual! In summary: – the good makes – > it comes to the divine light – > its workmanships are approved – > Kingdom of Skies – > Perpetual peace. – the evil makes – > &gt goes for the darknesses -; its workmanships are disapproved – > Hell – > Perpetual fire and To creak of teeth. Not to be disapproved what they make the corrupt ones? They go to hide itself in the blackout of the darknesses, never follow for the light, therefore they never do not want that its impostures are known and that they are warned or punished for them! Who never believes in Jesus will be the convict, walks in the light and makes good workmanships; already who does not believe in Jesus, already he is the convict, it walks in the darknesses and same that want to make said things good, its workmanships are always bad! On behalf of Jesus. Mnica Gazzarrini email: ' ' Jesus Christ is you ' '
