Latin America Listen
“The pleasure far to lean out – dance with the genius loci if strange as it may seem for some” also, says Christof Sauer of the special operators of southern sky tours cycling tours in Latin America are ideal for joyous discovery travellers with urge to move: lurks behind every curve life! ” Already Hemingway wrote in 1944, in the middle of the war, that you best get to know a landscape when riding a bike. He praised the high reminder value of area, it opens up with the bike. It is thanks to the direct confrontation with her so imprint, like they really”was. We can bask with this device that puts us in the position, with approx. 0.3 HP closer to real life, in the reality of an interesting, yet unknown region. Why should it fluctuate precisely in South and Central America on the motorcycle, territories that are known so far less for their enthusiasm for wheel or sophisticated bike structures? Because the subcontinent despite all problems to loss to a large part of the colonial era for Courage and zest for life is, for South, light, fresh wind, for the magic of the distance and the freedom for sensual beings of flesh and blood, for stories between dream and reality, for the merging of cultures, and last but not least for a varied nature and stunning landscapes. Who is on the lookout for experiences, hitting in the soul roots, after a mental and athletic adventure first rank, which is here certainly find it.
Because in the ancient new world”confronted the great other, which oneself is always on the new! Everything flows, is open and in constant motion. It is a dance with the genius loci. “Just feeling a flooded when you cycle through Latin America and the eternal Canto de las Ruedas”, the harp of the wind, listens. As modest as noble role vehicle is at the same time this percussion instrument, window and door openers. Indulge the irrepressible desire to lean out far! Take for example sections of the legendary Carretera Austral in Chile or the Ruta 40 in Argentina under the wheels! By the way, there are here in the meantime many supporters of a so-called Bicicultura, as well as the Centre of bicycle culture”in Santiago de Chile is called. Mosquitos”, however, called those contemporaries who believe their bicycles with built-in tailwind” (electric motor) to bring it up to speed. Although the took in the southern hemisphere until in the autumn or winter, but who wants to learn about the diverse bike offers (80-0 Fahrradreisen.html) in the various destinations begins, who would do that now. Because usually the most sought-after tours are booked early. So you have enough time to prepare himself and his bike for this adventure. (responsible: Christof Sauer)