Matthias Heissner

Posted on February 12, 2019 By

Action, emphasises Matthias Heissner, is presented. Also at the political level. Rent nomads and other fake fifties”will it in Germany to made easy: for example, the rule has been abolished with us, to indicate the future place of residence in the course of the cancellation at the registration office. Rental Preller & co. can make yourself comfortable in the dust on the way.

On this legal situation something has to change.” Landlord protection is in the long term, hopes put protection of tenants Matthias Heissner and Pasquale Aquino on the new political Constellation in Berlin; have already entered into a corresponding list of demands on the part of the landlord and subject of political discussion. For example, it must be possible to be able to conclude fixed-term contracts, to terminate tenants at irregular payment or missing deposit or to require that the deposit will pay immediately in full. To mention only a few claims. Matthias Heissner and Pasquale Aquino are aware that organisations such as about the tenant League against this catalog are are up in arms. While it is matter not to bring up new rifts between tenants and landlords or cement bogeymen: prima facie our landlord protection index Germany serves only the interest of the lessor.

But this impression is fundamentally flawed. In the long term will benefit this list especially the overwhelming number of innocent tenants. Because they’re just personally committed, private landlords, providing often very well maintained and yet affordable living in beautiful residential areas. Just this group is particularly hard hit by rental nomads. “But only, if as many as possible of these private landlords remain willing to continue to rent well-maintained living space, honest tenants in the future from attractive and affordable services be able to choose.” V.i.S.d.P. and your contact person: Matthias Heissner / Pasquale Aquino Sigma Bailey road 49 70567 Stuttgart FON: (07 11) 9 97 60 79-79 fax: (07 11) 9 97 60 79-99 E-Mail: Web: YouTube: video report – landlord protection index: early warning system against rent nomads MyVideo: watch/7080828 boiler plate. The rent protection cards Germany GmbH & co. KG, portrait of the company maintains its headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany. The company collects negative information about debtor in a continually-updated database. These data registered members can inspect, unless you can prove a legitimate interest. Legal and natural persons can become members unless she have at least one unit offer for rent. The company recommends its members in case of need lawyers who have specialized in the tenancy law and demonstrated their expertise in the practice nationwide.
