Nurse Practitioners

Posted on August 16, 2017 By

Nursing began to take shape in Cuba before the Spanish-American war, the Sisters of charity established the first group of nurses that remained under the control of the Catholic Church until long after the end of the war. In 1899 Ms. Mary O Donnel, American founded the first school of nursing Ms. Mary O Donnel came of the Bellevie in New York hospital, the existence of the school was short for lack of interest. The second school of nursing was established in 1900 in Cienfuegos, Cuba under Ms.

Jeannette Byers of Philadelphia, many other schools followed, and in 1901 Ms. Hibbard in collaboration with Cuban doctors established the first Regent board to maintain rules and regulations for the practice of nursing in the island. Do nursing schools continued under American comtrol to at? or 1909 when the National Association of Cuban nurses was organized, Ms. Hibbard was appointed General Inspector (Goodnow, History of Nursing, 281 pp) the first board or College of nursing began to enforce than the nurses first obtained a diploma of high school (secondary school) prior to being admitted to the school of nursing. It should be noted that the Board of nursing in Cuba developed their standards of practice based on the guidelines American until then the nursing was limited to the custodial care of the patient. Nursing education maintained the status quo of practice until long after the beginning of the revolution Cuba, while in United States nursing siguio advance and is became a formal profession. In 1976, Cuba first introduced its undergraduate program which would be equivalent to a B.S.N.

in United States (Bachelor in nursing). This contrast I think a wide differential between the two countries, Cuba, continued mostly graduating technical nursing medium technico and although these, long accepted in United States allowing them acquire a R.N. license today, the standards of practice are more senior and this is why nurses with that degree of education are limited review for the NCLEX – PN (LPN) only. United States in this 21st century continues its advancement and growth of nursing education, that is, educating their nurses to achieve levels of education more high that allow them to take a position more active in the primary care of the patient. The Institute of Medicine reported in October 2010 that in the Decade speaker those graduates with a master’s degree (Masters) in nursing and known as Nurse Practitioners to take the position of the desapareciente physician general. Cuba however, nurse yet, is considered as a collaborator of the doctor or his assistant, in United States nurse is who represents and advocates for their patient. Hispanic Nurse Solutions calls on Cuban nurses to prepare to take your job position in United States having succeeded in helping hundreds of nurses through its system of re-education with emphasis on the ense? anza of analytical thinking or critic.
