Organ Replacement In The United States
Networking of donor / recipient pairs in the United States, an idea from the United States – the exchange for organ donations – faces the breakthrough. About 75,000 Americans need a donor kidney, a transplant takes place only in 17,000 cases per year. The demand is higher than supply. The Internet health portal informs about the organ trade. The problem is not to find a donor.
Often friends or family members to a transplant willing to. Rather, it is the difficulty of finding a suitable donor. This means that the blood types must match and the potential recipients may develop antibodies to the foreign tissue. Networking of organ donors and organ recipients right here a solution was developed by the Harvard Economist Al Roth and the Turkish Okonomen Tayfun SADA. The networking of donor / recipient pairs is greater the chance for a successful transplant.
The offer is increased and 1000 to 2000 initially can it additional transplants take place in the year”, explains Elizabeth Sleeman of UNOS (United Network for organ sharing). Another advantage is that all involved in this model to benefit. Even those who are on the waiting list for donor kidneys from dead, reducing the number of waiting. Law allows cross donations so far failed the implementation of a National Kidney-swap legislation. “Same value consideration” are prohibited according to the American transplant law. However, this statement refers to the commercial trade in organs. Thus was now by the American Justice Department officially confirmed that cross donations are legal and compatible with the transplant law. The imedo health news to inform this topic. Interested parties allows the imedo Gesundheitscommunity by the Group of organ donation “the Exchange. The imedo health news to inform an action of the State, which should increase the willingness of organ donation: organ donation is to the State of matter .