Scientific Technician

Posted on February 12, 2019 By

The evolution of the geographic ways the geographic ways Main characteristics Half Natural – adaptation human being to the natural systems; – scarcity of techniques; – few modifications in the space. Half Technician – innovations techniques; – mechanized space; – deep space transformations. Half Scientific Technician – deep interaction between science and the technique; – evolution of on sector the information and the communication; – mundializao of the space circuit of the production; – ideology of the consumption, the economic growth and the planning. Source: elaborated from dadoscoletados in Saints & Silveira (2001), Moreira (2002) and Saints (1992). 2.1 natural way the way natural2 is marked by the slow times of the nature, and by the adaptation human being to the natural systems.

This period if caracterizoupela scarcity of necessary artificial instruments to the domain of this mundonatural, and can also be called daily pay-technician. Had to displayed above, to podemosentender that the geographic space in this period suffered to few modifications pelaao human being, therefore if all action assumes one technique, and the related period foimarcado for the scarcity of techniques, logically had a predominance of the meionatural on the antrpico. Of this form, Saints & Silveira (2001), on the basis of Galvo, understands that the human nestings established-seassim in the offers of the nature and, the economic localizations, they resulted dacombinao enters the naturaispreexistentes necessities of each product and conditions. Thus, the necessities human beings were marked out with buoys by the reproduoharmoniosa of the nature and the human beings looked for to adapt themselves to the meionatural. 2.2meio technician as a period, in entendimentode Saints & Silveira (2001), is that one where space predominates half the technician eo is mechanized. Technician can itself be called way, the period to break doqual the production if he became social. This period is marked by inovaestcnicas and the consequent perfectioning of the work instruments.
