Social Environment
In all the theories, the child is seen in its totality, body, emotion and thought, importance of the interactions with the social environment is noticed it, of the affectivity and them stimulatons, basic for the development of the motricidade and intelligence. Front the excellent contribution of the above-mentioned authors the psicomotricidade becomes object of study of some sciences. By dealing with the relation between the man, its body and the sociocultural environment and in which it coexists, the Psicomotricidade is based and studied for an ample scientific set De Campos, where if it can detach the Neurofisiologia, Psychiatry, Psychology and the Education, printing each one of these areas approaches that them are specific. (MELLO, 2002, p.30): Of Meur (1991, p.05), it considers that the study of the psicomotricidade it is recent, but little by little was gaining space and today it exceeds the studies of the motor problems. For the author ' ' the psicomotricidade exactly wants to detach the existing relation between the motricidade, the mind and the affectivity and to facilitate the global boarding of the child by means of one tcnica' '. In this direction, psicomotricidade searchs to educate the movement at the same time where the emotional and social aspects develop intelligence considering all.
Son (2001, p.36) defines the psicomotricidade as ' ' relation between thought and action, involving emoo' '. One is about a science that currently, in accordance with Mello (2002), is divided in three fields of performance: psicomotora re-education, psicomotora therapy and psicomotora education. The psicomotora re-education destines it the individual attendance or in small groups, of people who present: motor atony; delay and psicomotora instability; dispraxias; riots of tnus of the position, the balance or the coordination; percipient-motor deficiencies. The work after initiates the accomplishment of a psicomotor examination, where the reeducador will in accordance with work the diagnosised symptom. The psicomotora therapy destines it children, adolescents and adults, who present great disturbances and whose adaptation is of pathological order.