SportTreff offered opportunities for exchanges and free climbing of the 21 Cologne SportTreff offered visitors many interesting insights into the world of the Klet terns and the founded. This time managers from business, media and sport in the BRONX rock climbing Hall in Cologne Wesseling, Germany met to exchange ideas and to inform about latest trends and developments in the areas of climbing and outdoor. The climbing Hall, Herbert Badi, Managing Director presented one of these new trends, in the Panel discussion said that increasingly elderly in the climbing hall would come. This development picks up soon Buttgen climbing 55plus new programme, specifically aimed at this target group. Already, the BRONX has rock climbing gym also health courses in the program, like for example a back school on the climbing wall.
The thoroughly climbing crazy Udo Neumann, Managing Director of Udini Mediaworks and author of the book “License to climb”, set in the foreground, that climbing ideal for switching off was. “When climbing you must concentrate and is completely in the situation”, enthusiastically reported Neumann. He participate all listeners to his passion by telling of the different hook types, such as the rock -, leisure – and alpine climbing. On the economic aspects of the sport, especially the Manager spoke of GlobeTrotter Cologne, Klaus Weichbrodt. He gave an insight into different marketing concepts, and among other things explained why he appreciates the offer met and accessories of various discount: “people buy there for the first time outdoor items. “When they discover their passion for climbing and camping also thus they come sooner or later also to us.” Long term offer the brands yet higher quality and especially the better environmental performance. “So much research in it, which explains the higher prices, but also the higher value on the one hand inside the whole materials”, confirmed outdoor.markt – editor in Chief MACI.
After the Panel discussion the possible team-building events in the adventure area of the climbing hall introduced Herbert Badi all SportTreff participants and also all visitors offered to climb even once. SportTreff Organizer Hans-Jurgen Schmidt was very satisfied with the event: “it’s nice that we have gained so authentic panellists and gives interesting insights. The unusual venue with the indoor high ropes course is also well arrived at the audience. What do I want more?” Background: The Cologne SportTreff of Cologne SportTreff has in the past three years to the leading networking event in the field of sport and develop economy. An average 180 ver responsible from media, business, sports and politics come to the monthly meetings. But whatever people that just excited for the sport and for the varied topics are welcome. Contact: Regina Owert SportTreff Press Office Valentina way 39 50858 Cologne 0221 / 50294645-0221 / 50294649 press contact: Ziegs Kuchel Muller communication service Regina Owert Valentina way 39 50858 Cologne 0221 / 50294645.