art and science
Trenches City
During the period of its creation until the present time recebeuvrios names, – Filipia, Frederica, Parahyba, – and, since the Thirties dosculo Period of 1850 the 1920 Between 1850 until the end of the decade of ten of century XX seprocessam several and significant changes in the urban estruturao of the city, with sanitary improvement,…
Alexander Gijon
Beyond the knowledge on the anatomy human being and tecnologia' '. (Neiva, access in 25/09/2010). The great concern of the drawing technician is in the transmission of all the details that compose the part. As Doris Treptow in the drawing technician must be specified the types and amounts of backstitches, size of openings (as pockets),…
Original Relativity
When Einstein formulated the theory of general relativity it forgot to place some important concepts that the theory would complete generality. One of these concepts would be the inversion of values in the relation space and time, where the certainty is that the time is something of dimensional value, where each dimension them 14 discoveries…
Turbine the Vapor Author (you are): Camila Fernanda Marmontel Blacksmith; Joyce Mara Gimenes Gandara Silva; Lisandra Lion of Oliveira; Marcelo Cesar Polioni Supervised Practical Activities? APS Course of Engineering of Orienting Production Mechanics (): Prof. Dra. Liliane de Souza Magalhes SUMMARY the had work presents the cycle of a turbine the vapor. It will be…