biblical studies
For Malanchthon
The nature human being, terrena, inclined to the sin. For Malanchthon meat he is ' ' entire nature of the man, its sense and reason, without the Espirito Santo ' '. That is, when we act without the Spirit, we act in the meat! Meat is the fallen nature of the man. The old nature….
Pentecostal Cult
The crisis of identity of the pentecostal cult Robert Dos Santos after-modernity goes to demand of the pentecostalismo a position more criticizes and reflexiva of its presence in the world in constant change. It is that the pentecostalismo will have to search a language contextualizada, even though the risky task there to face the challenge…
Alfred Edersheim
Thus, the man if divorced when he wanted. Reasons for this had of surplus, inside of this conception of Hiller, with this interpretation, the divorce that was allowed, as exception, to protect the woman, were at that generalized practical time one. The woman, although not to have authority to demand the divorce, however, second, the…
Jesus Christ
' ' Jesus answered, and said to it: In the truth, in the truth I say that one to you that not to be born of new, cannot see the kingdom of Deus.' ' Joo 3:3 ' ' Jesus it answered: In the truth, in the truth I say that one to you that not…