business plans

Swimming Pools

In any bath must be: locker rooms, showers, massage room, a font with ice water, a recreation room. Can not do without the pool – at least five meters in length. Small Steam takes a minimum of 15 sq. m. If we succeed, then Of course, it is better to make several different steam rooms:…

Soft Club

One of the best known ways to make a Soft club (Quake, War-craft iii, Sounter strike), is Buka ( Truckers, “” Heroes of Might and Magic “). It is worth remembering and Another important thing: to establish a computer club is legally a program needs a special license authorizing its use commercially. Sales of its…


The result was a pyramid scheme. And, quite shaky. Such business in a moment can disappear. Well, if obtained from the gas station margin will be high, then maybe enough money for everything. Misrepresented the number of succeed and return to duty. A sudden crisis? Or wholesale fuel prices jump dramatically? In such situations, the…