The Bank

Posted on September 30, 2015 By

The progress was contaminated by the lack of manages and the corruption in some levels of the government. This traditional British former-colony, one of the producing greaters of oil, to put the industry Nigerian produced effect reverses the expectation of industrial growth. Black markets of oil had reduced profits in the delta of the Niger, more important area of the industry of the oil, much affected by the corruption and violence being able between them local. To the end, few Nigerians had been benefited by boom of the oil. The Bank of Comercio and Industria of the Nigeria made many businesses in partnership with European, Italian and German companies, and some businesses with Brazilian companies. In moving to the businesses carried through with Brazil, companies as the Interbras (then arm I deal of it international of Petrobra’s), Promom and Cotia TRADING between them, fincaram bases in the Nigeria in diverse segments of the economy. The development between 1978 and 1981 until it showed an important growth, to put in 1986 arrived its lower level since the beginning of the years 70:1979? $47,620 1980? $64,202 1986? $20,210 Arriving now with optimum room GDP of Africa, esteem in $220,000 for 2009. 5.Aspectos Organizacionais Due to little developed commercial and industrial model, therefore the economy turned around commodities, the available human resources had always been very scarce. The companies multinationals with operations in the Nigeria had established a model of importation of human resources of its countries, almost that in the totality of the operations implanted in the parents. Thus, they had not helped in the development of the local potential in the organizacionais areas. The necessary work consisted of the training of the local resources in them practises administrative organizacionais and, local resources that were very on this side of the basic one and being thus were necessary to almost all import man power for work in the new operations brought for the plan of development established for the government.
