Santa Cruz One

Posted on June 9, 2014 By

With the crisis, vice president Carlos Mesa assumes, who in a citation of Vincius Betsur Fernandez Lighter says: ' ' In its speech of ownership, Table standed out the necessity of the search of the internal peace, as well as the importance of the participation of all the groups and all the etnias (quchuas, aymaras and all others). Table assumed, still, the commitment to take the handle a binding countersignature on the question of the gas boliviano.' ' (Fernandez Lighter, 2003, p.3) president Mesa perceived clearly the necessity of the union for ' ' Nation boliviana' ' , since to defend the referring questions to the interests of the country, it is needed a country I join. In 1985, president-elect Victor Peace Estenssoro, already spoke in ' ' union nacional' '. Also we have a past of explorations that had taken the Bolivians to the fear of new losses. To have an idea, Potos at the time of Peru/Bolivia, that is, to the time of the Spanish domination in America explored an enormous one president of the movement to the socialism (BUT), the scene moved radically.

Now some overwhelmd groups had active voice in the politics, as much in the social field, as in the economic one. The cocaleiros, planters of the cocaine leaf, have support of Evo, that supports this cocaleiro movement, being that in the previous governments the presidents supported U.S.A. in the combat the cocaine plantations. The Aymars and Quchuas try to have greater access to the wealth of the country. But, in such a way now in the ascension of Evo, that can be considered one ‘ ‘ revoluo’ ‘ it repulses to the rights the aboriginal majority and promoted sanctions. Who knows from there comes the great difficulty of knowing which is really the identity, or who would be the Bolivian? With the victory of Evo Morales the great proprietors of Santa Cruz, had been fearful with the new paradigm, beyond fearing a possible agrarian reform, what simply he would move, and very, the social pyramid of the country.
