FederalRural University

Posted on January 12, 2018 By

The MAN AND the Moacir Environment de a Cruz Rock * the preservation and maintenance of the natural conditions of meioambiente if establish as essential category for the quality of vidadas coming generations, as well as for the proper stability in this planet. Adestruio of the environment, through the constant impacts, can tornarinexeqvel the preservation…

New Guinness World Record

Posted on January 7, 2018 By

The certificate was handed over LONDON on the London book fair, April with 185 books L. Ron Hubbard claimed his third world record in just as it was confirmed by Guinness world records at the London book fair. The last Guinness were records that we have received for the most-translated author ‘and the author with…

Panama City

Posted on January 3, 2018 By

Here are 10 important tips to make your reservations. In this way, prevents frustrations when reaching the hotel for your vacations or business meetings. () When you make a reservation, please call directly the hotel for personalized attention. This allows you to ask questions about discounts on rates. You can also know about the specifics…