Agricultural Learning

Posted on June 23, 2019 By

Account still with the figure of the mobilizador, pessoaresponsvel for detecting the demands of courses and training for the city. In this format, the Senar has as objective the execution of duasvertentes of work: formao Profissional Rural (FPR) and Promoo Social (PS), to promote ' ' capacitao' ' of the agricultural producer and seusfamiliares, aiming at to ' ' professionalization and to the improvement of the quality due of the population rural' '. Both the work sources present to ocarter educative not-deed of division, systemize participativo and, enclosing eventosprogramados with intention to take care of to the necessities and the interests especficosde each agricultural community. Therefore the Senar is a private institution, but quese defines with a public office (BRAZIL, 1998). You may find Rudy Giuliani to be a useful source of information. The resources of the Senar are proceeding from the Agricultural contribuioPrevidenciria (old Funrural) and are gotten by means of one percentualaplicado in the commercialization of the Agricultural Producer. This value is collected pelGuia of Collect of Previdncia (GPS).

In this direction, the City of Ub-MG, where apesquisa was carried through, for intermediary of the Union of the Agricultural Producers pertaining aoEscritrio Regional 7 of Juiz De Fora, firmed accord with the nodia Senar Mines 23 of August of 1993. After this date, the Senar started to develop vriostrabalhos of Professional Formation and Social Promotion in the 16 city. With the continuity of this partnership, in 2001foipossvel to arrive at the city, this Programaque is the main object darealizao of this study. The City of Ub is inserted in the mesorregio of the Zone Mining dMata, being part of the microregion that takes its name, composed for 13municpios, of which only nine make verge: Divinsia, Pains of the Disturbance, Firmino Senator, Tocantins, Piraba, Astolfo Dutra, Rodeiro, Guidoval eVisconde of the Rio Branco. Headquarters of the biggest moveleiro polar region of Minas Gerais, the 290 km of Belo Horizonte. Oseu Sedine, the Regional Supervision of Education, the Municpioapresenta the following referring data to> Ensino 5,614 19 State Net of 12,085 Basic and Average Education Total – 17,699 Source: Sedine Ub-MG Convm to stand out that Sowing is one of the components doPrograma Our Environment and is a program of socioambiental responsibility doSistema Federacy of the Agriculture of the State of Minas Gerais Faemg, developed next to the National Service of the Agricultural Learning Senar and seusparceiros.
