
Agricultural Learning

Account still with the figure of the mobilizador, pessoaresponsvel for detecting the demands of courses and training for the city. In this format, the Senar has as objective the execution of duasvertentes of work: formao Profissional Rural (FPR) and Promoo Social (PS), to promote ' ' capacitao' ' of the agricultural producer and seusfamiliares, aiming…

Street Commercial Center

physical 2.2.1.Estrutura of the School the Intermediate school of the Estoril, a school of official education, located in the Street Commercial Center Nr. 276, City of the Side, in the quarter of the Estoril. 2.2.2. Physical description of the School the Intermediate school of the Estoril, meets forbidden well with Tubaro net and also for…

FederalRural University

The MAN AND the Moacir Environment de a Cruz Rock * the preservation and maintenance of the natural conditions of meioambiente if establish as essential category for the quality of vidadas coming generations, as well as for the proper stability in this planet. Adestruio of the environment, through the constant impacts, can tornarinexeqvel the preservation…