Reference Bureau Elements

Posted on June 2, 2018 By

Kosourov This carrier element stairs, sloping beams, which are laid on top stairs. Kosourov are metal, wood, concrete. In this step does not necessarily run from the the same material. Bowstring carrier bent arm. Unlike Kosourov stage attached to it is not the top, but on the inside, for example, are inserted into grooves or slots. PODSTUPENOK AND TREAD so called, respectively, vertical and horizontal elements of the step. Practice proved: that the ladder was a comfortable and secure, the height of steps (risers) shall be not less than 15 cm and not more than 18 cm and a double height risers, folded with the width step (tread) should equal the average person step – 60-64 cm To developers did not break over it, the existing 'building regulations' (SNIP), the following dimensions: – for residential and public premises podstupenok height – 14,8 cm, width tread – 30 cm – for basements and attics podstupenok height – 17,1 cm, width tread – 26 cm ZABEZHNYE STAGE This stage, located continuously around the circle.

The plan (top view), they or represent a trapezoid, or triangular (have a variable width). Zabezhnye steps are performed either to save space (when you do not want to arrange the intermediate landing), or of architectural and aesthetic considerations. The main staircase is very diverse in form and requires an individual approach in the design. There is no question about the standard mass-produced designs – each such ladder should ideally fit into the interior of the house, because she has to take it a central position.

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