Social Capacity

Posted on July 25, 2017 By

The other type of conduct inasertivas, are called generalized characteristic of timid, uncertain people considered like and tendency to the isolation. Jorr More and Mansuelo (mentioned in Chestnut grove A. 1986) distinguish four types of assertiveness, this are: Social (ability for the interaction social); defense of the rights (ability to affirm the personal rights); direct capacity (to take initiative and to assume responsibilities); independence (to react actively before the social positions). 3.1. – DEFINITION Different authors have defined the assertiveness, mentioning themselves in this investigation the following: Wolpe, expression defined the assertiveness like appropriate of any emotion different from the anxiety and the reciprocal inhibition, according to which an individual has lack of assertiveness, because responds with absence before certain stimuli; this anxiety will be antagonistic of the assertive conduct and will interfere with the emission of any other feeling or emotion; also it considers the assertive conducts like reducers of the anxiety. For this article the assertiveness like the conduct of those individuals able is assumed to suitably express directly and its opinions and feelings, in social and interpersonal situations. 3.2. – CHARACTERISTIC OF THE ASSERTIVE PERSONALITY According to Fensterheim in therapeutic terms the assertive personality owns four fundamental characteristics: – One feels frees to pronounce itself.

– It can communicate with people of all the levels, in frank and suitable form. – It has a direction in the life, it goes after which it wants. – It accepts its limitations. 3.3. – COMPONENT BEHAVIOURAL. According to Lazarus, it includes four dimensions: – The capacity to say no. – The capacity to request favors or to make requests.

– The capacity to express negative positive feelings. – The capacity to initiate, to continue and to finish conversations. Due to the multiple uses that have occurred to the term assertiveness him, are important to differentiate it from aggression and submission, Wolpe (1973) (mentioned in Fenstherheim, 1986), it mentions that way are three possible to conduct itself in the interpersonal relations: – To consider themselves also and to only dominate the others.
