The Davises
According to authors, the professors of today, therefore, need to be engaged and permanently engaged in the search, the improvement, the self-knowledge and in he analyzes of its proper professional learning. This includes? but it is not limited? to participate of physical and virtual nets and ' ' face cara' ' of professional learning. For in such a way, Day (1998) defends the adoption of continuous portflios of qualification, in which the professors accumulate and analyze its proper professional learning concomitantly and, as he infers Hargreaves (2001) that they can consult and to apply evidences critically it of the educational research of form that practical its always is informed by them. 2.1O To be and the Other? A Shared Relation In accordance with Petraglia (2000, p.82), we, social beings, are part of a society, but the society alone can consist of the interactions between the individuals that we are. Of these interactions it was born emergent qualities as the culture, the education and are they who make of us true individuals. Leaving of the estimated one of that the other constitutes in them, it is possible to affirm that nobody is an island and, in this direction, the civilization compels in them in them to relate ones with the others.
Of the point of view of Vygotsky (1934/2000), to learn it starts to mean to be in the world with somebody, a form of social co-participation in a historical, cultural and institucional context. We also stand out the importance of the professor as mediating between the pupil and the knowledge. The pupil will have to be despertado for the possibility to act and to act on what he is being taught. The Davises, Silva and Espsito (1989, p.52) affirm that the interaction with the other, either it an adult or a more experienced child, acquires a estruturante character in the construction of the knowledge, in the measure where offers, beyond the affective dimension, challenge and support for the cognitiva activity? the understanding of the knowledge as something being constructed for the citizen, not more as accumulation of facts.