Urban Centers
In a similar way that the too much metropolises of this Region, $fortaleza provides the same mentioned urban difficulties previously, therefore he is one of the three polar regions of industrial development and population allure of all the Northeast. Other admirable urban centers sertanejos are: Quixad, Crato, Juazeiro of Norte and Sobral in the Cear; Ducks in the Paraba; Arcoverde, in Pernambuco; Fair of Santana, Victory of Conquista and Juazeiro, in the Bahia. CONCLUSION Therefore, all the natural scene, since the topography, the characteristics of the ground, the vegetal expression, the fauna, the economy and the social life of the land, everything causes distinction, with a necessary transparency, for the influence of lack d? water, of the instability of the water in this semidesert-like Region. The Hinterland as arenaceous land, dense, little almost continuously poor in nutritional and rich environment in rolled pebbles, is a workmanship of the climatic extremities, the extensive periods of extreme unacceptable insolation and strong rain, separating the arenticas rocks and hurrying all the destruction methods that in them if the lands desvestidos in certain stretches fulfill, approximately without any arable ground meat re-covering the structure of the alive rocks, that arrebentam here and there to far in white hand saws steep, they are models of this terrible agrofgica ability of the climate. In the aptitude to corrode lands of the hinterland northeastern releasing disclosed the nuclei hardest of its calcareous rock and granite structure. At the same time the definite ridges that they cause to the northeast geographic fisionomia in a demonstration of desolating affliction, they are the frivolous ones as riozinhos the dry ones, are the intense ones that they go down for the hillsides of the ravinas for valleys few deep ones, the admirable big holes, opening in the land extensive breaches opened for the erosive torrents, that are permanent marks of this climatic abnormality of the region.
If the northeast Hinterland did not remain divulging the fatality climatic of the droughts, perhaps did not consider enters to the areas of hunger of the American continent. Lamentably, the cyclical droughts completely disorder the primary economy of the land, suppressing the natural sources of the life, burning the pastios, decimating the cattle and ruining the plantations, restricting the Hinterland to a desert-like landscape, with its inhabitants always needed reserves, perishing to the food and water scarcity. Dying of acute hunger or to survive hungry, to the groups, for the agricultural and urban zones, escaping rightened for the death would decimate that them of time in the devastada land.