With Factoring
“Elbe factoring with new factoring model on the market of Dresden, 10.12.2012 – every business has individual performances by its corporate financing, which differ significantly depending on the industry, company size or customer portfolio”, Matthias Bommer, Managing Director of the Elbe factoring headquartered in Dresden knows. It was of course, to respond to these needs and to provide appropriate financial instruments a financial services. “Introduces a new way the Elbe factoring with cut-out factoring, also factoring of part of known as: with this special factoring we buy not all claim, but only those by selected customers”, Baloch says. Because our customers often have accounts receivable portfolio, whose Forderungen are not offered for sale or may. That’s why we focus on what is feasible. Together with the customer we define a snippet of his customers that provides a sufficient level of liquidity for the entrepreneur”, so Bommer next. Quick payer can excluded such from the factoring and unnecessary costs. Prerequisite for the implementation of section factoring through the Elbe factoring is also a corresponding minimum factoring volume in addition to a defined number of accounts receivable.
Interested parties can register for free by phone at 0351 437 55 10 to know how much cash they can get through factoring. Factoring with an annual 20 percent growth rate as a financing instrument WINS factoring for years in importance. According to the German Association of factoring volume grew in the past decade averaged about 20 percent: nearly 17,000 companies in Germany have now recognized the advantages of factoring for themselves and use the instrument to secure their liquidity. Here, the company sells its receivables from deliveries and services on the Elbe-factoring. Within two working days, it gets about 80 percent of the invoice amount on his or her account. The remainder receives the company after receipt of payment by the customer, less the pre-agreed factoring fee. So a failure protection for claims is the liquidity can be a continuous back up to the other with the factoring agreement.
In addition, the company at the customer management is relieved. A book that can be ordered online from the Elbe factoring provides a good overview of the modern financing through factoring. Who would like to stay informed, Subscribe to under the free magazine ad hoc beraternews. Background to the Elbe factoring the Elbe-factoring GmbH is the independent partner of factoring for small and medium-sized enterprises. The company was established in 1998 and funded nationwide customers with an annual turnover of up to EUR 10 million. This combines all aspects of full service factoring financing, insurance of bad debt and accounts receivable management. In cooperation, customers have a powerful partner, secured funding, as well as an experienced team on their side.