Duke University Medical Center
Team of researchers led by Dr. John Shute of Medical Science – an expert in stem cell transplantation and cell biology at Duke University Medical Center, possible to isolate new growth factor – pleyotrofin which promotes proliferation cord blood stem cells outside the body. The volume collected at birth and cord blood stem cells in it – is an individual rates, depending on many factors. Now, a small amount of collected cord blood will cease to be a problem through the invention of a new method of reproduction cord blood stem cells. As is known, cord blood is a universal source of stem cells and for many patients is an alternative to bone marrow. In the U.S., for example, stem cells of umbilical cord blood transplantation has reported that the results obtained by breeding with a new growth factor pleyotrofina Cord blood stem cells did not lose their capacity to differentiate. Also derived cells were able to prizhivlyatsya immunodeficient mice in the body, which retained the ability to perform its inherent function of red blood cells. Moreover, injection of mice pleyotrofina subjected to radiation, led to a 10-fold Animal formation of malignant tumors after injection pleyotrofina. In addition, pleyotrofin, according to researchers, has a great future clinical applications to accelerate natural recovery of the hematopoietic system in patients after myelotoxic chemotherapy or radiotherapy. According to the Director General of Ukrainian Family cord blood banks "Gemafond" Andrew Lahturova, the current opening