
Lehman Brothers Market

ECONOMIC SCENE SEPTEMBER OF 2009 Welinton Dos Santos is economist After one year of the weather that devastated the financial market, Brazil leaves strong more the international crisis, as much in economic projections as that politics. The country passed for a period of instability, but it reacted fast to the problems that had appeared of…

The Bank

The progress was contaminated by the lack of manages and the corruption in some levels of the government. This traditional British former-colony, one of the producing greaters of oil, to put the industry Nigerian produced effect reverses the expectation of industrial growth. Black markets of oil had reduced profits in the delta of the Niger,…

National Institute

It says who it are the responsible maximums of the main real estate agencies to operate in our country, as well as the most recent data of the National Institute of Estatstica (INE). But attention because of fact this is only the best phase to buy house if not to ask for banking loan. It…