Professional Strengths
Decide whether you fit a particular job or a candidate for the post, only after assessing how professional pluses outweigh the minuses. It's no secret that a good professional in his business may, for example, do not get on the team. I suggest you take a free on-line test for professional pluses and minuses. This rapid test will show your professional strengths and weaknesses. The very first address to the test, without guessing specifics, show the pros and cons, in principle, for life.
Later, you can ask and plus-minus in a particular case or in the current period of life. If the description of pluses zagadannym same thing, then you deal in principle fits. Lows at this show, because of what problems may arise in the case. If you – an employer who is using this espresso-test, you can learn the pros and cons of its employees or candidates for any positions and take solution that fits a person for this position or will not do, what job is best left to such a person. The test is based on the author's interpretation of the psychological aspects of the Major Arcana tarot in the context of professional qualities. Example test result: Pros: a person is present joy of creativity, self-sufficiency, recognition, excellence, achievement mastered.
He goes on increasing in their careers. May become known throughout the world, to bring the case to the world level. Well go work abroad. Peaceful, harmonious, calm nature. Cons: can stay on top and rest on their laurels once conquered, there will be stagnation. Depends on opinions of others. Set aside. If not acknowledged, then disappears interest in the case. Has limits, beyond which can not escape, even for the case, imposed by parents, society. Prefers to rotate to a limited little world. Satisfied with the status quo, even though it is not the best. Does not tend to look for something new. Obviously, it can be conceived to help the hidden him to a new level and really inspiring. But only if he does not will stop at the minimum of effort, believing that he had done already, will not wait for instant recognition.