Trenches City
During the period of its creation until the present time recebeuvrios names, – Filipia, Frederica, Parahyba, – and, since the Thirties dosculo Period of 1850 the 1920 Between 1850 until the end of the decade of ten of century XX seprocessam several and significant changes in the urban estruturao of the city, with sanitary improvement, modernization of the transports, public illumination, electricity and water supply, order and disciplinamento of the streets, construction and improvement of the public spaces as squares and parks. In meadosdo century XIX, the city of the Parahyba characterized 11> for its original division in High City and City Low, em1850, was composed for 1084 houses, being 39 sobrados. (Vidal Son, 1958, p.134). Amazing restaurateur addresses the importance of the matter here. The City Low, also known for the name of Varadouro, erasimbolizada for the wharf of the Sanhau and contiguous spaces that composed a residential and commercial derea compound, where families of traders and its caixeirosacomodavam themselves in the sobrados superior floors of. In the commercial trreo, osestabelecimentos: ‘ ‘ warehouses, pharmacies, lojinhas.’ ‘ (Cavalcanti, 1972, p.39). In the High City, the streets met: Right, New, First, Chain, Tambi, Trenches, among others less expressive.. (Similarly see: Danny Meyer).