Global Heating Alarming Situation
The past 25 of February of 2009 World-wide the Meteorological Organization (OMM) informed that according to the most recent studies it is demonstrated that the polar caps are melting to a rate much more accelerated than it thought due to the global heating. According to understood in the matter this fact, to continue thus, she will bring alarming consequences to the planet and all form of life. According to durantes carried out observations two years, the climatic change has been transforming the life of the people who reside in those regions, as well as the one of the plants and animal pertaining to those ecosystems. What can be said of the climate? Recent studies indicate that the increase in the intensity of storms is been direct from the diminution of the polar ice. It is a reality the fact that the oceans control the climate of the planet and these have undergone constant alterations in the last years. Any change in them without a doubt will generate a climatic impact and economic in the Earth hemispheres. Speaking of the consequences that it generates the climatic change we can mention the increase of floods and droughts – both contribute to the contamination of provisions of water, human allergies, migrations and of animal – the polar humans looking for higher earth and animal colder zones, food crisis and proliferation of plagues of insects with the cosecuente wave of diseases that they propagate. We see a single example.
Due to the global heating the diseases caused by mosquitos appear between which they will acquire flood relevance and danger. For which reason? So that the mosquitos multiply better and itch most frequently while hotter it is the air. The following thing imagines now: When being including the heating extensive zones, the mosquitos will be colonizing prohibited territories before, carrying with them infectious diseases. Before this panorama, World-wide the Meteorological Organization stressed how important is for the future the balance of the polar regions for the future of means atmosphere and of the well-being of the human race, and invited the nations to develop strategies to fight the melting of the polar caps. It is evident that the threat of the global heating deserves to take itself in serious.